Saturday, December 31, 2011

To blog or not to blog

To blog or not to blog - that is my question. I haven't made an entry for almost a year and a half. Occasionally, I think about it. But then I wonder if it is a worthwhile investment of my time. Will anyone read what I write? Does it really matter that my thoughts are out in the mix of the millions of other people who choose to publish their thoughts, views, opinions via the Internet? I suppose many bloggers do not consider my questions. Maybe I shouldn't.

One of the new participants in my Internet-based Bible study expressed the hope that I would invest more time in blogging. I suppose he noticed that I hadn't entered anything for a very long time. So, I will attempt in 2012 to enter something here worth your time and mine.

I shall make this proclamation as I stand on the front porch of 2012, waiting for this door of opportunity to open: I am still a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the life I have found in Him. Though I live in an age when mocking and scoffing Jesus, His Father & His Word are in vogue, I won't sit with them. Psalm One starts out with these great words of wisdom, as applicable today as the day they were first blogged - I mean written: "Blessed is the man (that would be man or woman for those who don't understand the old generic use of "man") who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in seat of mockers." Mockers are expanding their seating section in this day. Atheists are going evangelical - aggressively spreading their message. So, I unashamedly proclaim: I firmly believe in God. I believe in the God of the Bible. I believe in Jesus. He is still "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." He is my Savior, my Lord.

So, God, I ask You to use me in 2012 to further Your purposes in me and in those with whom I am allowed connect. Thank You!

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