Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Richard Roberts Arrested!

I woke up to this sad news this morning: “Richard Roberts, former president of Oral Roberts University, is in Tulsa County Jail charged with DUI.” He was originally pulled over by a highway patrolman for driving in excess of 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. The smell of alcohol on Mr. Roberts led to sobriety tests on the spot which he failed. After being taken into custody, a breathalyzer test registered .11% alcohol; .08% is considered drunk in Oklahoma; .10% is considered drunk in every state. Just after midnight last night he was booked into Tulsa County Jail.

As an ORU graduate, I am very thankful for the education I received there. Of course, I remember taking the required course on “Being filled with the spirits and testing God’s protection by racing your car around town”. That is a joke, of course; no such course exists. Not even a hint of such teaching could be found at the university. I do fear that many will use Richard’s failure as a reason to attack the university. And some of those attacks will probably be as ridiculous as suggesting that such a course is part of the ORU curriculum.

Richard Roberts has his problems – legal and otherwise. He has had problems in the past; hence, he is the past president of ORU. This need not, however, become an occasion to attack the Roberts family, the university, Christians in general, or Charismatic Christians in particular. It really ought not be an occasion to attack Richard Roberts either. He obviously has problems and needs prayer. For the record, he and his family have mine.

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