Saturday, November 21, 2015

Syrian Refugee Debate

WWJD? What would Jesus do? It seems that many people think you can just answer this question and you find the simple answer to the Syrian refugee problem. When you are driving down the road with your family and see a hitchhiker, do you ask WWJD and stop and pick him up, assuming that Jesus would (because He cares for everyone)? I don't! The risks are too great. Do you make a habit of picking up homeless men and putting them up in your spare bedroom? Me neither. Call my Christianity in question if you wish. But the Syrian refugee problem is problematic. There are reasons many of us are not gung ho about bringing those refugees here. Just consider one fact: Those Boston Marathon bombers (just two brothers) were refugees upon which we had compassion. What we can do, what I have done, is pray for our leaders that they make wise decisions. Certainly lives are in the balance in Syria, but lives are potentially in the balance in the US, too. WE ARE AT WAR!!

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