Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My New Philosophy of Life

Thanks to an e-mail from an old high school friend (make that, former high school friend), I have adopted a new philosophy of life. Here is my adaptation of the philosophy she sent: Drink, Steal, Swear & Lie.

DRINK - Every day I will drink from the everlasting cup of truth and grace.
STEAL - I will steal a moment to help someone in worse shape than I.
SWEAR - I will swear to be more like Jesus today than I was yesterday.
LIE - And, I will lie down at night, thanking God for the many blessings that I enjoy.”

Actually, this philosophy is not new to me; it's just a new way of expressing the one I attempt to live by, one day at a time. If you think this philosophy is good, I invite you to join me today.

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