Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Devil's Schemes

In the little letter to the Ephesian believers, the Apostle Paul spoke of the “armor of God.” There he encouraged us to put it all on in order to be prepared to "stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Jesus identified the devil as “a liar”, in fact, “the father of lies.” The devil was the thief Jesus was thinking about as He said, “the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life . . .”

This week, I found myself thinking about that lying thief and his sinster schemes. Here is what came to me: “The true thief, Satan, works in us to cause us to view the Creator – the Giver of ever good and perfect gift – as a thief. Thus, when he is successful, we resist full surrender to God out of fear of what He will take from us.” God is not denying things in my life because He wants to TAKE from me. He is not denying things in your life because He wants to TAKE from you. He wants to give us the best. Lord, You are my truth; deliver me from that liar.

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