Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Freedom From Religion

A few days ago I parked next to a red car with a bumper sticker that espoused love for “Freedom from religion.” For years, I have heard about the official organization of atheists by this name.

Here is what I would like to say to the owner of that car and everyone who would be inclined to purchase such a bumper sticker for their car: You do have freedom from religion in America. No one forces you to be Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or anything in America. You are, in fact, free to be an atheist and even free to be evangelical in your atheism as your stupid bumper sticker indicates.

The framers of our Constitution, however, DID NOT guarantee “freedom from religion”, but rather “freedom of religion.” No nation can equally guarantee both. If you were to have your way, it would mean require our government to restrict my ability to express my religious convictions to ensure your freedom.

Since you don't seem to know much about our Constitution and don't appear to think very deeply on these matters, you may not know this: There are countries that offer you “freedom from religion”. Therefore, I respectfully suggest that you consider moving there. Perhaps you would be happier. But I doubt it.

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